3 - 5 Years

Sequence of Skills and Learning Goals

Language / Literacy

Phonological awareness

  • Single sounds

Print knowledge

  • Parts of a book
  • Proper care of books

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Several sounds

Oral language

  • Word knowledge including prepositions and relational words
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Sequence of sounds

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Rhyming words


Number knowledge

  • Counting items

Number knowledge

  • Counting items
  • Groups of items

Number knowledge

  • Verbal counting
  • Groups of items
  • Number words
  • Concept of more

Geometric and spatial

  • Circle, square, triangle



  • Routines


  • Rules


  • Listening and talking


  • Paying attention


Relationship skills

  • Types of play
  • Asking to play

Relationship skills

  • Asking to play

Relationship skills

  • Sharing an item

Relationship skills

  • Cooperating

Social Studies

Appreciation of individual diversity

  • Same and different
  • Unique

Appreciation of individual diversity

  • Same and different

Appreciation of individual diversity

  • Unique

Appreciation of individual diversity

  • Abilities and adaptations

Creative Expression

Appreciation of art, music, drama, and dance

  • Forms of creative expression

Appreciation of art, music, drama, and dance

  • Forms of creative expression

See Mathematics

See Physical/Health


Inquiry skills

  • Observing, describing, comparing, predicting, experimenting, recording

Inquiry skills

  • Observing, describing, comparing, predicting, experimenting, recording

Physical / Health

Good health practices

  • Germs
  • Handwashing

Good health practices

  • Germs

Good health practices

  • Safety rules and routines
  • Emergency procedures

Motor development

  • Physical activity safety
  • Walking and marching

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Rhyming words

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Rhyming words

Print and letter knowledge

  • Alphabet, letters, and words

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Sentences

Print and letter knowledge

  • Letter B

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Compound words

Print and letter knowledge

  • Letter C


Geometric and spatial

  • Rectangles and triangles

Geometric and spatial

  • Squares and triangles

Number knowledge

  • Groups of items
  • Counting
  • “More” and “fewer”

Number knowledge

  • 1-to-1 counting
  • Counting items and actions

Number knowledge

  • Counting
  • Equal groups
  • 1-to-1 counting



  • Stop and think


  • Waiting patiently


  • Waiting patiently

Executive function

  • Focusing


Relationship skills

  • Social problem solving

Relationship skills

  • Social problem solving

Relationship skills

  • Being helpful

Relationship skills

  • Being friendly

Social Studies

Appreciation of family diversity

  • Family uniqueness

Appreciation of family diversity

  • Special family activities

Appreciation of family diversity

  • Special family activities
  • Grandparents

Appreciation of family diversity

  • Grandparents and older family members

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Artist
  • Types of art

Skills that support creative expression

  • Creating art

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Art tools

Skills that support creative expression

  • Using art tools to create art

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Tools for painting, drawing, and sculpting

Skills that support creative expression

  • Using tools to create a painting, drawing, and sculpture


Inquiry skills

  • Five senses

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Walking and marching

Motor development

  • Galloping

Motor development

  • Hopping

Motor development

  • Balancing

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Compound words

Letter knowledge

  • Letter O

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Compound words

Letter knowledge

  • Letter A

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Compound words (assess)

Letter knowledge

  • Letters B, C, O, and A

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters B, C, O, and A


Geometric and spatial

  • Four basic shapes

Geometric and spatial

  • Variations of four basic shapes

Number knowledge

  • Last number counted tells how many (cardinality)
  • Sorting and counting items
  • Forming groups of a given quantity

Number knowledge

  • Last number counted tells how many (cardinality)
  • Forming groups of a given quantity


Executive function

  • Paying close attention


  • Deep breathing


  • Yoga poses

Executive function

  • Listening
  • Remembering


Relationship skills

  • Compliments

Emotion knowledge

  • Different kinds of feelings
  • Happy and silly

Emotion knowledge

  • Sad
  • Ways to feel better

Emotion knowledge

  • Angry
  • Managing anger

Social Studies

Appreciation of family diversity

  • Different cultures

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Types of homes

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Home characteristics

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Home characteristics

Creative Expression

See Mathematics and Science

Skills that support creative expression

  • Dance movements

See Mathematics


Inquiry skills

  • Five senses

Inquiry skills

  • Tools

Knowledge of living things

  • Characteristics of living things

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Turning and balancing

Motor development

  • Bending and balancing

Motor development

  • Oral health

Motor development

  • Muscles
  • Exercising

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Syllables

Letter knowledge

  • Letter X

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Syllables

Letter knowledge

  • Letter S

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Syllables

Letter knowledge

  • Letter P

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Syllables (assess)

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters X, S, and P


Number knowledge

  • Counting and “how many” (assess)
  • Sorting items
  • Forming and comparing groups
  • Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4

Pattern knowledge

  • Identifying and making ABAB patterns

Pattern knowledge

  • Making and extending ABAB patterns

Number knowledge

  • Comparing groups
  • Numerals 5, 6, 7, and 8


Executive function

  • Watching and remembering


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga poses

Executive function

  • Listening and remembering
  • Listening and watching

Executive function

  • Watching and remembering
  • Listening and remembering


Emotion knowledge

  • Bored

Emotion knowledge

  • Disappointed
  • Excited

Emotion knowledge

  • Shy

Emotion knowledge

  • Embarassed

Social Studies

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Neighborhood
  • Places in a neighborhood

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Places in the center neighborhood

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Neighborhood maps

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Community

Creative Expression

Skills that support creative expression

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Musical instruments
  • Songs


Knowledge of living things

  • Animals

Knowledge of living things

  • Insects

Knowledge of living things

  • Plants

Physical / Health

Good health practices

  • Rest and sleep

Motor development

  • Running and jogging

Motor development

  • Jogging and walking

Motor development

  • Throwing

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter E

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter H

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters X, S, P, E, and H

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter M


Number knowledge

  • Numerals 9 and 10
  • Forming groups
  • Number after
  • Number list

Number knowledge

  • Number after
  • Number chart
  • Number list

Pattern knowledge

  • Simple patterns (ABAB)
  • Other kinds of patterns (AABAAB)
  • Identifying patterns

Pattern knowledge

  • Counting
  • Sorting
  • Making simple and other kinds of patterns



  • Deep breathing

Executive function

  • Listening and remembering
  • Watching and taking turns

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns
  • Listening and remembering


  • Looking closely
  • Deep breathing


Emotion knowledge

  • Loved

Emotion knowledge

  • Disgusted

Emotion knowledge

  • Proud

Emotion knowledge

  • Scared
  • Frustrated

Social Studies

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • City
  • Skyscrapers

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Town
  • Farm
  • Barn and silo

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Geography
  • Bridges

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Geography
  • Railroad tracks

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Instruments

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Marching band
  • Instrumental music
  • Beat

See Social Studies


See Creative Expression

See Social-Emotional

Knowledge of life cycles

  • People
  • Puppies and kittens

Knowledge of life cycles

  • Chickens
  • Penguins

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Catching
  • Throwing

Motor development

  • Underarm throwing
  • Throwing at a target

Good health practices

  • Different types of farms food comes from

Good health practices

  • Five different kinds of healthy foods

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter R

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter F

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning sounds (assess)

Letter knowledge

  • Letter E, H, M, R, and F

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending two sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter T


Number knowledge

  • Number list
  • One more

Number knowledge

  • Number list
  • Written numerals (assess)
  • Counting

Number knowledge

  • Number list
  • One more
  • Counting
  • Price

Measurement knowledge

  • Measuring and comparing size


Executive function

  • Listening and remembering
  • Watching and taking turns

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns
  • Listening and remembering


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga poses

Executive function

  • Focusing and taking turns


Emotion knowledge

  • Nervous

Emotion knowledge

  • Lonely

Emotion knowledge

  • Guilty

Emotion knowledge

  • Thankful

Social Studies

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Geographic characteristics

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Community helpers

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Community helper tools

Knowledge of social environments

  • Community helper uniforms

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Music
  • Dancing


Knowledge of life cycles

  • Frogs

Knowledge of life cycles

  • Butterflies

Knowledge of life cycles

  • Bean plant

See creative expression

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Jumping and landing

Motor development

  • Combinations of physical movements

Motor development

  • Shifting weight

Good health practices

  • Healthy foods

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter W

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Initial sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters M, T, R, F, and W

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter D

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter L


Measurement knowledge

  • Measuring length and height
  • Ruler

Measurement knowledge

  • Measuring weight
  • Scales

Number knowledge

  • Splitting a group of items into two parts
  • Counting
  • One more (assess)

Number knowledge

  • Splitting a group of items into two parts
  • Counting


Executive function

  • Listening and remembering


  • Describing a hidden item

Executive function

  • Focusing and taking turns
  • Listening and taking turns

Executive function

  • Listening and remembering


Emotion knowledge

  • Different emotions

Emotion knowledge

  • Different situations, facial expressions, and emotions

Emotion knowledge

  • Different situations, facial expressions, and emotions

Emotion knowledge


  • Another person’s view

Social Studies

Knowledge of social environments

  • Job uniforms

Knowledge of social environments

  • Rules for adults
  • Laws

Knowledge of social environments

  • News

Knowledge of social environments

  • American flag
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • National anthem

Creative Expression

Skills that support creative expression

  • Dance movements


Knowledge of habitats

  • Water

Knowledge of habitats

  • Desert

Knowledge of habitats

  • Forest

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Fine motor skills

Good health practices

  • Healthy foods

Good health practices

  • Safe and not safe actions
  • Emergency safety

Good health practices

  • Vehicle safety
  • Bike safety

Motor development

  • Rolling our bodies

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter N

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Blending sounds (assess)
  • Taking away a sound

Letter knowledge

  • Letters D, L, and N

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Taking away a sound

Letter knowledge

  • Letter G

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters D, L, N, and G


Number knowledge

  • Sorting
  • Counting
  • Organizing information on a chart

Number knowledge

  • Organizing information on a chart
  • Sorting

Geometric and spatial knowledge

  • Shapes

Measurement knowledge

  • Length and height

Number knowledge

  • Adding
  • Taking away

Number knowledge

  • Adding
  • Subtracting



  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Executive function

  • Watching and remembering
  • Listening, watching, and remembering

Executive function

  • Listening and watching
  • Watching and remembering


  • Deep breathing


Emotion knowledge


  • Empathy

Emotion knowledge


  • Empathy

Emotion knowledge


  • Empathy

Personal responsibility

  • Goal

Social Studies

Knowledge of social environments

  • Voting

Knowledge of social environments

  • Voting

Concepts of time

  • Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
  • Morning and afternoon

Concepts of time

  • Amounts of time
  • Change over time

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Imitating

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Pretending

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Imitating
  • Props


Knowledge of habitats

  • Polar

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Moving around obstacles

Motor development

  • Skipping

Motor development

  • Kicking a ball

Motor development

  • Kicking and throwing a ball
  • Practicing different movements

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Ending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter K

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Ending sound

Letter knowledge

  • Letter J

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Phonological awareness

  • Beginning and ending sounds

Letter knowledge

  • Letter Y

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters K, J, and Y


Number knowledge

  • Adding
  • Subtracting

Number knowledge

  • Adding
  • Subtracting

Geometric and spatial knowledge

  • Basic shapes

Pattern knowledge

  • Simple patterns

Number knowledge

  • Numerals 1-20

Number knowledge

  • Graphing
  • Adding
  • Numerals 1-20

Geometric and spatial knowledge

  • Shapes


Executive function

  • Watching and remembering

Executive function

  • Listening, watching, and remembering


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Executive function

  • Watching and remembering
  • Listening and remembering


Personal responsibility

  • Making decisions

Personal responsibility

  • Making good choices

Personal responsibility

  • Staying safe

Personal responsibility

  • Staying safe

Social Studies

Concepts of time

  • Moving long ago

Concepts of time

  • Games played long ago

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Economy: making and spending money

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Economy: needs and wants, help for families

Creative Expression

Skills that support creative expression

  • Using lines

Skills that support creative expression

  • Using shapes
  • Using color


Knowledge of habitats

  • Rainforest

Knowledge of habitats

  • Mountain

Physical / Health

Good health practices

  • Sun safety

Good health practices

  • Doctor
  • Dentist

Good health practices

  • Body parts

Good health practices

  • Bones
  • First aid kit

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter Z

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter Q

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter I

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter U


Number knowledge

  • One more (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • Part-Whole (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • Adding (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • Subtracting (review/extend)


See Physical/Health

See Physical/Health

See Physical/Health

See Social Studies


See Social Studies

See Social Studies

Social Studies

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Moving: kinds of moves, packing

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Moving: movers, moving equipment, feelings about moving

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Moving: new places and people, unpacking

Knowledge of social and physical environments

  • Types of transportation: automobiles

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

  • Designing books


Knowledge of earth and space

  • Day and night

Knowledge of earth and space

  • Weather

Knowledge of earth and space

  • Seasons

Physical / Health

Motor Development

  • Galloping (review/extend)
  • Hopping (review/extend)

Motor Development

  • Balancing (review/extend)
  • Turning and bending (review/extend)

Motor Development

  • Throwing (review/extend)
  • Catching (review/extend)

Motor Development

  • Throwing at a target (review/extend)
  • Throwing and catching (review/extend)

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter V

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review letters Z, Q, I, U, and V

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand, comprehend, interpret book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Letter assessment

Oral language

Print knowledge

  • Author study (Carle): writing fiction books, creating illustrations


Number knowledge

  • Numbers (review/extend)
  • Counting (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • Comparing quantities (review/extend)

Geometric and spatial knowledge

  • Shapes (review/extend)

Geometric and spatial knowledge

  • Shapes (review/extend)


See Physical/Health

See Physical/Health

Executive function

  • Listening and remembering

  • Deep breathing
  • Describing a hidden item


Relationship skills

  • Asking to play (review/extend)

Social Studies

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Types of transportation: buses, bicycles, tricycles, motorcycles, trains

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Types of transportation: airplanes, helicopters, boats, ships

Knowledge of physical environments

  • Types of transportation: walking and animals

Creative Expression

Skills that support creative expression

  • Telling stories

Skills that support creative expression

  • Using puppets

See Mathematics


Knowledge of earth and space

  • Recycling

Knowledge of earth and space

  • Soil

Physical / Health

Good health practices

  • Where food comes from (review/extend)

Good health practices

  • Different kinds of healthy foods (review/extend)
  • Resting (review/extend)

Motor development

  • Jumping and landing (review/extend)
  • Hopping and jumping (review/extend)

Motor development

  • Combinations of physical movements (review/extend)

Language / Literacy

Oral language

Print knowledge

  • Author study (Cannon): writing fiction books, creating illustrations

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand and comprehend book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review of selected letters

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand and comprehend book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review of selected letters

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand and comprehend book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review of selected letters


Number knowledge

  • Number comparisons (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • 1-to-1 counting (review/extend)

Pattern knowledge

  • Patterns (review/extend)

Pattern knowledge

  • Patterns (review/extend)



  • Looking closely
  • Deep breathing

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns


  • Deep breathing
  • Describing a hidden item

Executive function

  • Listening and taking turns


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Executive function

  • Listening and remembering


Relationship skills

  • Sharing (review/extend)
  • Cooperating (review/extend)

Relationship skills

  • Solving a problem (review/extend)
  • Problem solutions (review/extend)

Emotion knowledge

  • Different emotions (review/extend)
  • Managing feelings (review/extend)

Emotion knowledge

  • Different emotions (review/extend)
  • Managing feelings (review/extend)

Social Studies

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Types of art


Knowledge of earth and space

  • Rocks

Knowledge of living things

Knowledge of earth and space

Inquiry skills

  • Dinosaurs: characteristics, fossils, how scientists learn about dinosaurs

Knowledge of living things

Knowledge of life cycles

Inquiry skills

  • Dinosaurs: characteristics, life cycles, how scientists learn about dinosaurs

Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Shifting weight (review/extend)
  • Rolling our bodies (review/extend)

Good health practices

  • Vehicle safety (review/extend)
  • Bike safety (review/extend)

Language / Literacy

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand and comprehend book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review of selected letters

Oral language

  • Word knowledge
  • Understand and comprehend book text and illustrations

Letter knowledge

  • Review of selected letters


Number knowledge

  • Last number counted (review/extend)

Number knowledge

  • Last number counted (review/extend)
  • Graphing (review/extend)



  • Deep breathing

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns


  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

Executive function

  • Watching and taking turns



  • Another person’s perspective (review/extend)
  • Empathy (review/extend)

Relationship skills

  • Being helpful (review/extend)
  • Being friendly (review/extend)

Social Studies

See Creative Expression

Creative Expression

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Art in different places

Knowledge of creative processes

Skills that support creative expression

  • Wordless picture books
  • Using art to tell a story


Physical / Health

Motor development

  • Obstacles (review/extend)
  • Galloping and skipping (review/extend)

Motor development

  • Kicking (review/extend)