Week 45

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy

  • How author Janell Cannon’s interest in animals helped her write books
    (Day 1)
  • How Janell Cannon’s illustrations can help people like animals that may make them feel scared, and her story helps us remember to be kind to people
    (Day 2, Day 3)
  • How changes in an illustration of the same item can help tell a story
    (Day 4, Day 5)


  • Practicing how to make groups of different numbers of items
    (Day 1, Day 2)
  • Comparing groups of different amounts of items
    (Day 3, Day 4, Day 5)


  • Practicing concentration by looking closely at the color of someone’s eyes
  • Following requests by watching and taking turns
    • “Silly Faces Song”
      (Day 2)


  • Reviewing how to take turns
    (Day 3)
  • Reviewing how to cooperate
    (Day 4, Day 5)


  • Different external characteristics of rocks
    (Day 1, Day 2)
  • Comparing wet and dry rocks
    (Day 3)
  • How water on a rock shows a rock’s colors, spots, and lines
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • Practicing how to balance and shift our weight
    (Day 4)
  • Practicing how to roll our bodies
    (Day 5)