Week 16

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy



  • How to follow requests by watching and remembering
    • Conducting an Orchestra game
      (Day 1)
  • How to follow requests by listening and remembering
    • Drum Beats game
      (Day 2)


  • When we feel embarrassed, we may feel foolish in front of other people
    (Day 3)
  • Practicing some things we might do when we feel embarrassed or when someone else seems embarrassed
    (Day 3)

Social Studies

  • Neighborhoods make up a community
    (Day 4)
  • Building pretend neighborhoods in our pretend community
    (Day 5)

Creative Expression

  • Our voice is a musical instrument when we sing
    (Day 1, Day 2)
  • Different kinds of musical instruments make different kinds of sounds
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • How to throw a ball straight up into the air
    (Day 4)
  • How different parts of our body can help us throw a ball into the air
    (Day 5)