Week 12:
Day 5

Understanding Words

Language / Literacy

Large Group

Skill and Goal

Oral language, Letter knowledge
Children will interpret information presented in a book read aloud and increase the number of novel words they understand. Children will also say the sound of letter A.


  • *Letter A card
  • Chart paper
  • Marker
  • Book of your choice for this week’s repeated reading
  • Words We Understand chart from Days 1 and 3
    *Printables provided



  • 2–3 words (see Be Prepared)


  • All words introduced on Days 1 and 3

Be Prepared: This is the third of three repeated readings of a book with children. Today’s session focuses on children’s interpretation (explanations, reasoning) of information presented in the book. The session also will help children understand more novel words. From the list of novel words you identified prior to your first reading of the book, select 2–3 words to define for children today. See the Language/Literacy section of the ELM User Guide: 3–5 Years for additional information on how to select and define novel words.


We are going to again practice finding a letter we know by looking for it in a sentence. When we find the letter, we will also say the sound the letter makes.


[Write the following sentence on a chart or whiteboard. Read each word as you write the sentence:

We do lots of different things in our class.]

We want to find the lowercase letter a in our sentence.

Large Letter A Card[Display letter card A. Point to the lowercase a on the card.

Encourage a volunteer child to look for and point to the lowercase letter a in the sentence as you display the A letter card.]

What sound does the letter A make?

Yes! Letter A says /a/. Let’s together say the sound of the letter A: /a/.


Now let’s spend some time with our book.

[See Week 3, Day 5 of Language/Literacy for a description and examples of how to approach today’s book reading. Key aspects are summarized below:

  • Display book cover. Explain that we have read our book two times this week. Each time we read the book we learn something new. Point to and say title of book. Engage children in describing what they remember about the book:
    • What is our book about?
    • Who were the main characters in our book?
    • What happened first? What happened next? 
  • Point to and say the names of author and illustrator. Point to where to begin reading.
  • During the reading, pause on pages that include a word defined in the prior two readings of the book. Ask or remind children what the word means. Also pause during the reading to define the 2–3 words identified for today’s session, using the following approach:
    • Read the sentence with the novel word. Identify the novel word. 
    • Repeat the sentence in which the word is used.
    • Define the novel word and connect the definition to the book.
  • After the book reading, write the 2–3 words targeted for today on the chart and engage children in a discussion of each word, using one or more of the following strategies:
    • Ask children to describe a picture related to the word. 
    • Define a word without naming it and ask children to identify the word. 
    • Encourage children to think about a novel word or phrase in another context.
  • Explain that different types of things happened in our book. Facilitate a discussion of children’s interpretations of events and/or characters in the book, especially events or characters related to one or more words defined this week. See Week 3, Day 5 for examples.]
Week 12:
Day 5

Counting Things


Large Group

Skill and Goal

Number knowledge
Children will deepen their understanding of how to form a group of a given quantity.


  • 6 craft sticks
  • Sticky tack
  • Magnetic board
  • *Large dot cards 1–10
  • Children’s caterpillar pictures made on Day 3
    *Printables provided



  • High Five
  • High Ten


One Two Buckle My Shoe RhymeLet’s together say the counting rhyme we learned on Day 1.

[Say the rhyme and then lead children in the rhyme, “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.” Emphasize each number and hold up a finger for each number.]


On Day 1 we each had a group of circles (counters). Each of our groups had a different number of circles. We each counted the number of circles in our group.

Let’s practice counting a group of sticks. Our rhyme today talks about sticks. We can count groups of sticks, too.


Groups of Craft Sticks[Hold up a group of six craft sticks.]

I have a group of craft sticks.

  • Do I have two in my group?
  • Do I have five in my group?
  • Do I have six in my group?
  • Let’s count the craft sticks together.

[Place sticky tack on the back of each of the six craft sticks and display them on a board. Ensure the board is visible to all children. Encourage children to count out loud as you point to each stick. Do not count out loud unless children need your assistance.]


This week we also played a game called “High Five.” A “High Five” is called “High Five” because we have five fingers on one hand that we put up high when we do a “High Five.” This week we used the number of dots on a card to tell us whether we had a “High One,” “High Two,” “High Three,” “High Four,” “High Five,” or maybe a “High Ten.”


Let’s look at some cards and count the number of dots on a card together. Then we can give each other a “high” sign with the number of fingers our card says.

[Display dot cards, one at a time, that offer appropriate challenge for children.

  • Encourage children to count out loud as you point to each dot on the card you display. Do not count out loud unless children need your assistance.
  • Ask children to say the last number counted. Remind children that the last number we count is the number of items in a group.
  • Invite children to give a “High ___.”]

We listened to a story and made caterpillars with different numbers of pom-poms.


Who would like to show the caterpillars you made?

[Invite 2–3 children to share their pictures. Encourage each child to count the number of pom-poms in each caterpillar.]


This week we’ve had fun counting and making groups. We know how to count a group of items.

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • As you hold up a dot card, check for understanding by looking to see if children are counting the dots. If not, slowly count the dots together as you point to each dot.


  • How would someone give a “High Twelve”? (with the help of a partner) Invite children to give a “High Twelve” with a partner.

Center Activity

Provide children with a board game to play. Many board games for preschool children help them learn how to count items. Examples of counting board games include Hi Ho Cherry-O®, Chutes and Ladders®, Sorry®, and Count Your Chickens®.

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Ask “how many” throughout the day. “How many blocks are in your building?” “How many shoes are you wearing?” Encourage younger children to count smaller groups and older children to count larger groups.

Week 12:
Day 5

Exploring Where We Live

Social Studies

Large Group

Skill and Goal

Knowledge of physical environments
Children will strengthen their understanding of differences in home characteristics.


  • Children’s shoebox homes
  • Paper—1 per child
  • Drawing tools



  • Shape


  • Mathematics


  • Houses and Homes by Ann Morris


[There are two options for today’s activity involving shoebox homes made by children in Week 11.

Option One: Discuss shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) found in shoebox homes made by children. Encourage children to describe the shapes they find in their shoebox home. Invite children to draw shapes they find in their shoebox home on a piece of paper.

Option Two: Encourage children to draw a picture of their own shoebox home. Invite children to point to and describe the shapes in their drawings.]

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • Give children suggestions of characteristics to include in their drawings, if appropriate. Examples: “What kind of roof does your shoebox home have?” “What do each of the windows look like?”


  • Ask children to describe how their shoebox home is the same or different than the shoebox home made by another child.
  • Encourage children to count the number of shapes on their shoebox home.
Social Studies

Center Activity

Provide the book Home by Carson Ellis. Encourage children to find things in the pictures of homes that are similar to their own homes. (table, sofa, roof, windows, etc.)

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Building Our House Book CoverProvide the book Building Our House by Jonathan Bean. After reading the book, school-age children may enjoy making a list of materials needed to build a house. If available, provide wood, hammers, nails, and goggles for children to use as they pretend to build a home. Younger children will enjoy looking at books about homes. Example: Shapes at Home by Scholastic, Inc.

Week 12:
Day 5

Staying Healthy and Safe

Physical / Health

Large Group

Skill and Goal

Motor development
Children will understand the concept of physical exercise.


  • Movement song (see Be Prepared)
  • Music player or CD player
  • *Picture of stethoscope (Enrichment tip)
    *Printables provided



  • Exercise


  • Muscles
  • Heart


  • Get up and Go! by Nancy Carlson

Be Prepared: Identify a movement song to use for this activity. Some options include CDs by Greg and Steve: Ready…Set…Move! (songs: “Ready, Set, Move” and “Jump Down, Turn Around”), Kids in Motion (songs: “Body Rock,” “The Freeze,” or “Animal Action”), or We All Live Together, Vol. 2 (songs: “Listen and Move” and “The Boogie Walk”).


Yesterday we learned there are muscles in our bodies that make things move. We used our muscles to move parts of our body from our head to our toes. We moved our arms and legs and other things. Is our tongue a muscle? (yes) Is our heart a muscle? (yes)


Muscles are an important part of our body. We can help keep our muscles strong and healthy by exercising. Exercise means we move our body, or part of our body, for a certain number of times or certain amount of time. We can exercise our arm by moving it up and down 5, 10, or 15 times. We can exercise our legs by running for 1, 5, or 10 minutes.

[Remind children of exercise activities that may be done regularly in your classroom.]

Usually we breathe faster when we exercise. Our heart also works faster when we exercise. Remember, our heart is a muscle that pumps blood to different parts of our body.


Let’s pay attention to how we breathe faster when we exercise. We know how to concentrate on our breathing. Let’s all lie on the floor and put our hand on our stomach. We can feel our stomach move as we breathe.

[Provide a brief time for children to concentrate on their breathing.]

Now let’s run in place to some music. Running in place means we stay in our personal space. We do not run around the classroom. Let’s try to run as fast as we can without moving around the classroom. Running is a good way to exercise.

[Encourage children to run in place to music for several minutes.]

Please stop running and lie on the floor. Put your hand on your stomach so you can feel your stomach move as you breathe.

  • Are you breathing faster now? (faster than before you ran)
  • Do you think your heart is pumping faster now? Can you feel your heart pumping?
  • Why do you think the muscles that move our legs can stay strong or get stronger when we run?

Exercise can help keep our muscles strong and healthy. Running is one way to exercise. What happened today to our bodies when we did a little running? (we breathed faster, our hearts pumped faster)

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • In the opening segment of today’s activity, wave your arms and kick your legs as reminders of some of yesterday’s motions.
  • If children have difficulty locating their heartbeat, help by placing their hand over their heart.
  • If children seem uncertain about how to pay attention to their breathing, briefly review key parts of Week 10, Day 1 activity (Self-Regulation) on helping children concentrate on their breathing.


  • Stethoscope
    Michael/flickr.com/(CC BY-NC 2.0)

    Ask children whether they notice their heart beats faster when they run or play a sports game that involves a lot of physical movement.

  • Use the provided picture of a stethoscope to explain that doctors and nurses use this tool to listen to our heartbeat. Children are likely to be familiar with the tool but may not know its name. Invite children to repeat the word steth-o-scope.
  • Extend the idea that, when we exercise, we move our body, or part of our body, for a certain amount of time by asking children whether we get more exercise if we run for five minutes or if we run for one minute.
  • If time permits, invite children to listen to someone else’s heart (by putting their ear near the other child’s heart) before and after a brief period of running in place.
Physical / Health

Center Activity

Provide a movement CD for children to participate in exercise activities of your choice. If available, provide a stethoscope so children can hear the difference in their heartbeat before and after exercise.

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Encourage children to participate in some exercises of your choice. Encourage children to feel their heartbeat and their breathing before and after exercising.