Block 20

Options to Promote Learning

Communication / Language

Option 1 (IG) Toddlers participate in a book sharing focused on quiet and loud sounds.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers participate in a guided tour of the room to identify and talk about spaces and items that are loud, and spaces and items that are quiet.


Option 1 (OO) A toddler takes small toys of interest out of several small containers and places them in a larger container.

Option 2 (OO) A toddler takes small toys of interest out of one large container and places them in two smaller containers.


Option 1 (IG) Toddlers watch a caregiver calm down after pretending to row a boat.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers pretend to row a boat and then calm down with caregiver support.


Option 1 (IG) Toddlers participate in a book sharing focused on how a mama fox loves her little fox no matter what he does.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers participate in a book sharing focused on a little fox’s feelings in different situations.

Physical / Health

Option 1 (IG) Toddlers practice the coordinated use of both hands to explore sensory tubes.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers with good walking skills practice balance and concentration skills by holding a sensory tube with both hands while walking on a simple path.