Oral language, Letter knowledge
Children will interpret information presented in a book read aloud and increase the number of novel words they understand. Children will also identify and say the sound of the letter N.
Be Prepared: This is the third of three repeated readings of a book with children. Today’s session focuses on children’s interpretation (explanations, reasoning) of information presented in the book. The session also will help children understand more novel words. From the list of novel words you identified prior to your first reading of the book, select 2–3 words to define for children today. See the Language/Literacy section of the ELM User Guide: 3–5 Years for additional information on how to select and define novel words.
[Display letter N card.]
What is the name of this letter? What sound does the letter N make?
Letter N says /n/, just like in “numbers.” /n/, /n/, numbers. Let’s together say /n/, /n/, numbers.
Now let’s spend some time with our book.
[See Week 3, Day 5 of Language/Literacy for a description and examples of how to approach today’s book reading. Key aspects are summarized below:
Number knowledge
Children will strengthen their understanding of how a chart can be used to organize and present information.
We are learning how to use a chart. We know that a chart is used to organize and present information. Remember, we can organize our information by putting it in a certain area or order. What are some of the things we counted this week? (ourselves, favorite animal, favorite play food, favorite color, pom-poms)
We used craft sticks to show our favorite play food and our favorite animal. Let’s again look at our charts.
[Display play food chart used in Day 2.]
We also used a chart to organize information about our favorite color.
[Display favorite color chart used in Day 3.]
This week we used charts to organize and present information. We wrote numbers on our charts to tell what things were our favorites.
Extra support
Supply *individual charts used in yesterday’s center activity. At the bottom of the chart, invite children to place a different kind of small manipulative (counters, small blocks, etc.) in each of the three sections. Provide cups of the same manipulatives for children to put on the chart. Encourage children to count the number of manipulatives in each group to determine which group has more.
*Printables provided
Send a small individual chart home with children. Encourage children to prepare, with help from family members, a chart of items in their home. Example: Types of furniture in the home (how many beds, chairs, etc.). Invite children to bring back and share their chart with children in your setting.
Motor development
Children will move next to and around obstacles.
Be Prepared: Create two parallel lines of traffic cones or two-liter plastic bottles (partially filled with sand) used in yesterday’s Physical/Health activity plan. Leave sufficient space between the two lines and between cones/bottles for children to walk around the cones/bottles. See the diagram in this activity plan. Arrange for another adult to help.
Yesterday we pretended our classroom was a forest. We moved in different ways around the pretend trees in our forest. We avoided bumping into each other by looking carefully at people near us.
How did we avoid bumping into one of our pretend trees? (walked around it, moved to the side of it)
[Walk along and point to the two different rows of “trees” as you describe today’s “forest.”]
We will move in our pretend forest again. Our pretend forest today is different from the forest we moved through yesterday. There are two different lines of trees.
Today we will walk next to one line of pretend trees. We know that one way to be next to something is to be by its side. Our bodies will be next to the trees when we walk beside this line of pretend trees. Please watch me show you which line of trees we will walk next to.
[Demonstrate walking at a normal pace alongside a line of “trees”; walk on the outside of the line, not between the two lines of trees. See diagram. Demonstrate putting arms and hands next to your body to avoid bumping into a “tree.”]
We will keep our arms and hands next to our bodies so we do not bump into or knock over any of our trees.
We will walk around the trees that are in our second line of trees. We can walk around something by making part of a circle with our body. Please watch me walk around the trees in our second line of trees.
[Demonstrate and describe walking around each tree. See diagram. Keep arms and hands to the sides of your body.]
[Point to the starting point for walking next to a line of “trees.”]
We will start here for our walk next to a line of pretend trees. We will go one at a time. We want to look at the person in front of us and at our line of pretend trees so we do not bump into someone or into a pretend tree.
When we get to the end of our first line of trees, we will turn around and walk around the trees in our second line of trees. Please watch me walk each of the lines of trees.
[Demonstrate and describe walking next to the first line of “trees,” turning, and then walking around each “tree” in the second line. At the end of your demonstration, point out that you ended up near the place where you started.]
[Use an orderly process for starting each child on a walk next to the first line. A second adult can help guide children in turning around at the end of the first line and starting the process of walking around “trees” in the second line. Provide verbal guidance as appropriate. Children may benefit from reminders about not rushing. Repeat once or more often if time and child interest permit.]
Today we walked next to one line of pretend trees, and we walked around trees in our second line of pretend trees. Which line took longer (more time) to walk? Is it harder to walk next to something or to walk around something? Why?
Extra support
Set up the two lines of cones/bottles outside for additional practice.
Invite school-age children to demonstrate the two approaches to walking each line.
Exploring Where We Live
Social Studies
Skill and Goal
Knowledge of social environments
Children will broaden their understanding of voting.
Yesterday we learned that when people vote on something, they make a choice together. The thing with the most votes is the winner.
Today we are going to vote again. This time we are going to vote for a game to play during outdoor time. We learned yesterday that it is important to think carefully about our choices before we vote on something.
We are going to vote between Duck, Duck, Goose and soccer. Let’s take a minute to think about why we might want to vote for one of the games instead of the other. We need to vote on one game because we will only have time to play one game during our outdoor time.
Now let’s vote. I will give each of you a sticker. You can use your sticker as you vote. Please put your sticker under Duck, Duck, Goose if you would like to play this game. Please put your sticker under soccer if you would like to play soccer.
[Point to and say the two choices on the chart. Invite children, one at a time, to place their sticker under their choice. Encourage children to place their sticker where it can be easily counted (not on top of another sticker). Remind children that their sticker is their vote.]
Now let’s count how many stickers on our chart are under Duck, Duck, Goose.
[Lead children in counting the total number of stickers in the group as you point to each sticker. Write the number on the chart next to the stickers.]
Now let’s count how many stickers on our chart are under soccer.
[Again, lead children in counting the total number of stickers in the group as you point to each sticker. Write the number on the chart next to the stickers. Point to each number as it is discussed.]
Remember, the game with the most votes is the winner. Duck, Duck, Goose had ___ votes. Soccer had ___ votes. ___ votes is more than ___ votes. (Name of game) had the most votes. It is the winner.
Some of us may be disappointed that the game we voted for did not win. Sometimes it helps us feel better to think of some good things about our voting.
What are some good things about the game that won? (ball is fun to kick, chasing someone is fun)
Today we voted for a game to play together during outdoor time. We voted between two different games. The game with the most votes is the game we will play. Some of us may be disappointed that the game we voted for did not win. We talked about some things to think about if we feel disappointed.
Scaffolding Tips
Extra support
Center Activity
Invite children to identify and arrange sets of two items for a repeat of the center activity offered in Day 4 of this week. Children may wish to select books, manipulatives, or toy figures instead of play food items.
Family Child Care
Encourage children to vote throughout the day. Example: “Let’s vote for the song we should sing during music time.”