Oral language, Letter knowledge
Children will strengthen their comprehension of information presented in a book read aloud and increase the number of novel words they understand. Children will also identify and name the letter G.
Be Prepared: This is the second of three repeated readings of a book with children. Today’s session focuses on children’s comprehension of information presented in the book, especially connections to children’s experiences. The session also helps children understand more novel words. From the list of novel words you identified prior to your first reading of the book, select 4–6 words to define for children today. Remember, it is okay to select words that a few children may know if you anticipate most children do not understand the word’s meaning. See the Language/Literacy section of the ELM User Guide: 3–5 Years for additional information on how to select and define novel words.
[Display letter G card.]
What is the name of this letter?
[Point to the uppercase letter G on the letter card.]
Am I pointing to the uppercase or to the lowercase letter G?
Now let’s spend some time with our book.
[See Week 3, Day 3 of Language/Literacy for a description and examples of how to approach today’s book reading. Key aspects are summarized below:
Number knowledge
Children will understand a group of items gets smaller when we take away one or more items from the group.
Be Prepared: The activity today assumes you use a die with a maximum of six dots on one of its sides and a total of 10 blocks. Based on your understanding of the counting skills of children in your classroom, you may wish to use a die with fewer dots (example: one and two dots) and/or fewer than 10 blocks, from which children take away blocks.
We know that a group of items gets larger when we add items to the group.
What happens to a group of items when we take away some of the group’s items? (gets smaller)
Today we will practice taking away items. When we take away items from a group, the group gets smaller. Let’s say the rhyme “Ten Little Monkeys” as we practice taking away.
[Say the rhyme together using your fingers as the monkeys. Each time a monkey bumps its head, put down a finger. Then count the number of fingers left.]
Our group of fingers got smaller each time we took away a monkey!
Today we will use blocks to play a game. I have a tray, some blocks, and a die.
[Place 10 blocks of the same color on the tray.]
Let’s count the number of blocks on the tray.
[Point to each block as you lead children in counting together the number of blocks on the tray.]
Today we will take turns rolling the die and taking away blocks from the group of blocks on the tray. The number of dots on the die will tell us how many blocks to take away. I will go first so you can see how to play.
[Roll the die and count the number of dots on the die you rolled. Say the number aloud.]
I rolled a ___. I will take away ___ blocks from the group of 10 blocks on the tray.
[Count aloud the number of blocks that matches the number of dots on the die. Remove one block each time a number is said aloud. Example: “A four was rolled on the die. Four blocks need to be taken away from the tray.” Count aloud four blocks as you remove them one at a time: “One” (remove a block), “two” (remove a block), “three” (remove a block), “four” (remove a block).]
Now we need to determine how many blocks are left on the tray.
[Point to each block remaining on the tray as you lead children in counting together.]
[Again, place 10 blocks on the tray.]
Now we need a volunteer to roll the die so we can practice taking away.
[Invite a volunteer child to roll the die and point to the dots rolled as each dot is counted aloud.]
[Continue asking a new volunteer to roll the die and help take away the blocks as all children count together. Continue as time allows.]
Today we practiced taking away blocks from a group by playing a game with blocks and a die. What happens to a group when we take away items? (the group gets smaller)
Extra support
Provide materials for the game played during today’s activity. Invite children to take turns rolling the die and taking away the corresponding number of blocks from a group of blocks on the tray.
Practice the skill of taking away as children eat a snack. Example: “How many grapes do you have on your plate, Bayne?” After the child eats one or several grapes: “How many grapes are left on your plate?”
Knowledge of creative processes, Skills that support creative expression
Children will use a prop to imitate characters in familiar nursery rhymes.
We are pretending to imitate characters in nursery rhymes. What do we do with our bodies when we imitate someone or something else? (make facial expression, make voice sound like someone else, move our body in different ways)
Today we are going to imitate characters in the “Three Little Kittens” nursery rhyme.
[Display and read the card for “Three Little Kittens.” Point to each of the kittens, the mother cat, and the mittens when you mention each.]
The kittens had mittens on their paws but lost them. Then they found their mittens.
[Display mittens.]
Sometimes we use something called a prop when we do drama. A prop is an object that helps us tell a story. A mitten can be a prop for the “Three Little Kittens” nursery rhyme. We can use a mitten to imitate what happened in the rhyme.
We are going to imitate the characters in this nursery rhyme. Each of us can decide which character we want to imitate. We can be the mother cat or one of the kittens. Please raise your hand if you want to be a kitten so I can give you a mitten.
[If all children want to be kittens, an adult can imitate the mother cat, frowning and smiling at the appropriate time.]
[Encourage children to imitate the kittens/mother cat as you display and read the card.]
Today we used mittens to help us to imitate losing and then finding mittens. The mitten was a prop that helped us imitate what happened to the kittens!
Extra support
Provide nursery rhyme cards from this week. Encourage children to continue to imitate characters in the nursery rhymes. Consider taking the cards outside and encourage children to imitate the characters where they have more space to move.
Take pictures of children as they imitate the characters in the nursery rhyme. Hang the pictures in your setting for children and families to see.
We Understand Feelings
Skill and Goal
Emotion knowledge, Perspective-taking
Children will deepen their understanding of empathy and what someone else may be thinking or feeling.
Today we will talk about how people might feel when they can’t have something or do something like other people.
[Display book cover.]
On the cover of our book, CJ is waiting for a bus with his grandmother.
We know that sometimes people can be doing the same thing but have different feelings about what they are doing. Let’s see if CJ and his grandmother feel the same way about going somewhere.
[Read the book. Point to and describe illustrations directly related to the text. After reading the book, explore questions such as the following:]
Today we talked about what CJ was thinking and feeling as he traveled somewhere with his grandmother. CJ felt sorry for himself. Did his grandmother feel sorry for herself?
Scaffolding Tips
Extra support
Center Activity
Provide the book used during today’s activity. Encourage children to retell the story.
Family Child Care
Invite school-age children to tell about their experiences of not having something they wanted. Younger children may wish to tell their experiences as part of the discussion. Are children’s experiences similar to CJ’s thoughts or feelings?