Week 11:
Day 2

Progress Assessment: Compound Words

Language / Literacy Progress Assessment

Small Group

Skill and Goal

Phonological awareness
Children will individually demonstrate understanding of how to form and segment a compound word.


  • *Compound word cards—1 per child (see Be Prepared)
  • *Component word cards —1 set per child (see Be Prepared)
  • *Component word cards “cup” and “cake”
  • *Compound word card for “sunflower”
    *Printables provided



  • Compound word
  • Concentrate

Be Prepared: Today’s small group activity is a progress assessment of children’s understanding of forming and segmenting compound words. For the first round (forming a compound word), select one set of component word cards for each child (two cards that make a compound word). Use provided cards of words that have not been used in previous activity plans. For the second round (segmenting compound words), select one compound word card for each child. Use provided cards of compound words that have not been used in previous activity plans or in the first round of this session (blending). Performance of each child is determined separately for forming (blending) and segmenting. See the end of the activity plan for details.


Today we are going to work again with compound words. We will put two words together to make a compound word. We will also decide which two words make up a compound word.


Let’s first practice putting two words together to make a compound word.


Cake Compound Word Card Cup Compound Word Card[Display word cards “cup” and “cake.”]

The first card has a picture of a cup.

[Point to the word “cup” below the picture as you read it.]

What is the picture on the second card?

It is a picture of a cake.

We have a “cup” card and we have a “cake” card.

I am going to put the “cup” and “cake” cards together. When the two cards are put together they make the new word “cupcake”!

[Display and point to the two cards put together. Encourage children to say “cupcake” as you point to the combined cards.]


Now it’s your turn to try! Each of you will have a chance to make a compound word. All of us need to be quiet so the person making a compound word can concentrate. Remember, when we concentrate on something we pay close attention to it.


[Assess children individually with the following procedure: 

  • Lay in front of the child two component word cards that together make a compound word. 
  • Ask the child to name each picture. Name one or both pictures if the child is uncertain. Ask the child to repeat the name you offer. 
  • Ask the child to put the two word cards together and say the compound word. If the child clearly communicates uncertainty about how to form the compound word, offer assistance: Name each picture again and ask, “Which word (card) would come first?” 
  • Praise each child’s effort. Refrain from indicating “right” or “wrong.” 
  • Repeat the above procedure until all children have been assessed on their understanding of forming a compound word.]

Sunflower Compound WordNow we are going to begin with a compound word and decide which two words make up the compound word. Let’s first practice together.

[Display the compound word card “sunflower.” Draw children’s attention to the picture.]


What is the compound word on my card?


Yes! My compound word is “sunflower.”

We need to decide which two words make up the compound word “sunflower.” I’ll say the word again. Listen carefully for two different words when I say the compound word “sunflower.”

[Enunciate clearly when you say the word “sunflower.” Emphasize each component word.]


What is the first word you hear in the word “sunflower”?


Yes. The first word is “sun.”

Now listen carefully as I say the compound word again.

[Enunciate clearly when you say the compound word again. Emphasize each component word.]


What is the other word you hear in the word “sunflower”?


Yes. The last word is “flower.”

When we put “sun” and “flower” together we make the word “sunflower.”

Now it’s your turn to try!


[Assess children individually with the following procedure: 

  • Lay in front of the child one compound word card. 
  • Ask the child to name the picture. Name the picture (say the compound word) if the child is uncertain. 
  • Ask the child to say the two words that make up the compound word. If the child clearly communicates uncertainty about the two words, offer assistance: Say the compound word slowly and ask, “What word do you hear first?” 
  • Praise each child’s effort. Refrain from indicating “right” or “wrong.”
  • Repeat the procedures until all children have been assessed on their understanding of segmenting compound words.]

Today we put two words together to make a compound word. We also decided which two words made up a compound word.

scaffolding icon

Scaffolding Tips

The type of support to offer children during this assessment is described in the session plan.

center activity icon

Center Activity

Provide children with compound word manipulatives and matching compound word cards. Invite children to choose a compound word card and then put manipulatives together to make the compound word. Example items to include: plastic stuffed fish + bowl, piece of mail + small box, small basket + ball, toy corn + toy bread, watercolor paints + brush, paper + binder clip, straw + toy berry. Ask children to also make “silly” compound words. Example: cornmail.

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Determine each child’s performance twice, once for forming (blending) and once for segmenting a compound word. Record your designation for each child on the provided form. Options are as follows:

Got It:

Blends/Segments compound words independently (with no assistance or with your assistance in naming a picture only)

Getting It:

Blends/Segments compound words with the following assistance:

Blending: You asked the child which word (card) comes first

Segmenting: You asked the child which word he/she hears first

Note Yet:

Child does not blend/segment compound words at this time


The following activities are designed to support children who can blend/segment compound words independently (Assessment = Got It). The activities also are appropriate for children who can blend/segment compound words with assistance (Assessment = Getting It). 

  • Encourage children to listen for compound words in books that are read individually with children or at a group time. Examples: The Mitten (Jan Brett) includes the word “snowshoe,” The Little Seed (Eric Carle) includes the word “butterflies,” and The Snowy Day (Ezra Jack Keats) includes the words “snowsuit,” “snowman,” and “snowball.” Discuss the meaning of the compound word in the book. Then ask children to identify component parts.
  • Discuss compound words that children encounter as part of their daily routine. These might include words related to clothes (snowsuit, raincoat), food (applesauce, strawberry, pancake, hotdog), and classroom items (paintbrush, headphones, bookshelf).
  • Include compound words in a morning message. Example: “It is raining today. We need to wear raincoats outside.” Ask children to identify the compound word. Also invite children to segment the compound word into its component words and then blend the component words into the new word, “raincoat.”
  • Draw attention to compound words that are introduced or used in other activities. Examples: shoebox (Social Studies Week 11, Day 4), sidewalk (Social Studies Week 14, Day 5), butterfly (Self-Regulation Week 10, Day 1), paintbrush (Creative Expression Week 6, Day 1).
  • Use a compound word transition activity to dismiss children from a group session. To reinforce skill in forming a compound word, create a two-column chart with 3–4 words/pictures in each column. The pictures/words in one column should be the first components of a compound word. The words/pictures in the second column are the corresponding second component. For example, put the following in column one: foot, finger, rain, snow. Put the following in column two: coat, ball, man, nail. Each child leaving the group is invited to match one word from column one with one word from column two to create a new word. To reinforce skill in segmenting compound words, create a chart of pictures of compound words. As a child is dismissed from group, he/she chooses a picture, says the compound word, and says the two component words.
  • Provide guided practice in forming compound words. See Week 8, Day 4. If it appears children would benefit from explicit support for forming compound words, use the steps in Week 8, Day 2 (second page).
  • For a more advanced review of forming compound words, provide each child with three component word cards, two of which should form a compound word. Use the Week 9, Day 2 procedures. Encourage children to say each component word.
  • Use the Week 9, Day 4 group activity to review the importance of putting component words in their correct order.
  • To review segmenting compound words, use the Week 10, Day 2 activity with compound word cards. It’s especially important to enunciate clearly the component words. Use the Week 10, Day 4 activity if children need less explicit help in identifying the two words that make up a compound word.
  • Draw children’s attention to compound words that represent items in the classroom (bathroom, bookshelf, headphones). Say the two component words and describe how the component words make a new word. Invite children to repeat words you say. In a center activity, encourage children to make compound word “signs” for the classroom, drawing pictures of the component words and final word. Label these and place in the classroom.
  • Invite children to identify what word is left when one component word in a compound word is taken away. Use compound word cards for this activity. The activity could be done with all children in a group or with individual children, including transition from a group session. Example: “This is a sunflower. What word do we have if we take away the word ‘flower’?”
  • When children work with syllables, emphasize how compound words are different from syllables. Give special attention to the Language/Literacy daily plan for Week 14, Day 4, which involves children clapping syllables in compound words. You may wish to repeat the core activity of this lesson.

The following activities are designed for children who do not yet blend/segment compound words (Assessment = Not Yet). 

  • Begin with the activities in Week 8, especially the Day 2 demonstration of how two words (cards) can be put together to form a new word (bird + house = birdhouse). Model the task by saying and pointing to each component word card and then saying and pointing to the new (compound) word. Ask children to repeat what you demonstrated. Encourage children to clap once for each word and to say each component word. Do the “clap” and “say” separately so children can focus on each action, particularly saying the word. Make sure children understand the basic concept of a compound word (introduced in Day 2) before moving to practice work with compound words in Week 8, Day 4.
  • Repeat the Week 9, Day 2 activity, which involves children working with three component cards to find two “matching” component cards. Emphasize the first and second words of each compound word. If children struggle with this activity, repeat the Week 8 activities, especially the guided practice in forming compound words emphasized in Week 8, Day 4. Adapt the Week 9, Day 4 activity for use with one staff person and one child if you are working with one child only or if you anticipate involvement in a peer-focused activity would distract children from concentrating on the compound words.
  • Repeat the compound word segmenting activity in Week 10, Day 2. It is helpful for children to hear the component words enunciated clearly. It is also helpful for children to say each component word and to hear you restate the component word as well as the compound word. Adapt the Week 10, Day 4 activity for use with one staff person and one child if you are working with one child only or if you anticipate involvement with a peer would distract children’s attention to the compound words.
  • Reassess children’s skill in blending/segmenting compound words. See ELM User Guide: 3–5 Years.
Got It:

Children in our classroom are learning that some words can be put together to make a new word. Children’s understanding of compound words is part of a foundation skill for later reading success. Recently I assessed Yvonne’s progress in understanding a compound word. Yvonne successfully formed (blended) and took apart (segmented) the compound word “sunflower.” I provided the word as part of the assessment. I offered some follow-up learning opportunities to reinforce Yvonne’s understanding of compound words.

Getting It:

Children are learning that some words can be put together to make a new word. Children’s understanding of compound words is part of a foundation skill for later reading success. Recently I assessed Joey’s progress in understanding a compound word. Joey formed (blended) and took apart (segmented) the compound word “sandbox” with some assistance from me. I provided the word as part of the assessment. I am offering some follow-up learning opportunities to support Joey’s emerging understanding of compound words.

Mixed pattern (Got It, Getting It):

Children in our classroom are learning that some words can be put together to make a new word. Children’s understanding of compound words is part of a foundation skill for later reading success. Recently I assessed Tyrone’s progress in understanding a compound word. Tyrone successfully formed (blended) the compound word “birdbath.” He took apart (segmented) the word with some assistance from me. I provided the word as part of the assessment. I am offering some follow-up learning opportunities to support Tyrone’s emerging understanding of how to take apart (segment) compound words, and to reinforce his understanding of how to form (blend) compound words.

Not Yet:

Children are learning that some words can be put together to make a new word. Children’s understanding of compound words is part of a foundation skill for later reading success. Recently I assessed Samantha’s progress in understanding a compound word. Samantha was interested in working with the word cards I provided. She also paid attention to the assistance I provided as part of the progress assessment. It seems that Samantha was not yet ready to form (blend) or take apart (segment) the compound word “raincoat” that I provided as part of the assessment. I am offering follow-up learning opportunities to reintroduce Samantha to compound words and will again assess her progress after she has had more time to learn about compound words.

Week 11:
Day 2

Counting Things


Small Group

Skill and Goal

Number knowledge
Children will strengthen their understanding that when counting, the last number counted tells how many (cardinality).


  • 10 large circle cutouts of different colors or hula hoops (used in Physical/Health Week 7, Day 5)



  • Equal
  • Take turns
  • Last number counted


  • Self-Regulation


I am going to hold up a group of fingers. I’d like you to hold up the same number of fingers on your hand. Our groups will be equal. What does it mean for things to be equal? (each has the same amount)


[Lead children by holding up a group of fingers. Observe as children try to create an equal group of fingers on their own hands.

Lay 10 circle cutouts or hula hoops on the floor in a line.]


Today we are going to play another counting game. I have 10 circles on the floor. Let’s count them together to make sure we have 10.

[Lead children in counting the circles in unison. Point to each circle as you count.]

We have 10 circles. We know this because when we counted them, the last number counted was 10.


Let’s each take turns with our game. We know that when we take turns, we do something one at a time. When it is your turn, I will say a number. Please walk on/in the circles. Count each circle as you take one step until you reach the number I said. Let me show you.

[Demonstrate by inviting a child to say a number. Step on/in the given number of circles, counting each one as you step. Stop when you have reached the number given. Say, “I have counted ___ circles.”]

Now let’s take turns playing our counting game.

[Select a number from 1–10 and ask a child to step on/in the given number of circles. Ask the child to count out loud as he/she steps on each circle. Remind each child to stop when he/she has reached the number you said. Ask: “How many circles did you count?”]


Today we played a counting game. I said a number and each of you stepped on/in the circles until you counted that many circles. When we count, the last number we count tells how many we have. I am going to say a number, and let’s clap the number of times I say.

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • For children who are learning to count to 10, give a smaller number of steps to count.


  • When you give children a number, invite them to say the color of the last circle they will step on before taking any steps.

Center Activity

Arrange the circles used in today’s math lesson in a row on the floor. Ask children to take turns standing in front of the first circle as they toss a beanbag to any circle in the row. Children will then count the circles as they step on them until they reach the circle with the beanbag. Children should then say the total number of steps they took.

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Encourage younger and older children in your setting to play the game with beanbags by forming separate games. One game can be numbers 1–5, another game can include numbers up to 10, and a final game can include numbers higher than 10.

Week 11:
Day 2

Understanding Feelings


Large Group

Skill and Goal

Emotion knowledge
Children will understand what it means to feel sad. Children will also strengthen their understanding of what it means to feel happy and to feel silly.


  • The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
  • Happy Feeling Face
  • Sad Feeling Face
  • Silly Feeling Face
  • 3 paper circles per child, 4 to 5–inches in diameter
  • Drawing tools
  • *Our Feelings poster
    *Printables provided



  • Sad


  • Emotion

Be Prepared: Prepare happy, silly, and sad Feeling Faces with 4–5 inch paper circles. Draw a happy face on the first circle, a silly face on the second circle, and a sad face on the third circle. (see examples within the activity plan)


We are learning about different emotions. Remember, an emotion is the way we feel inside.

[Display a smile on your face.]

  • Our Feelings PosterWhat do you think I might be feeling right now? (happy!)
    [Display a silly face.]
  • What do you think I might be feeling right now? (silly)
    [Display a frown on your face.]
  • What do you think I might be feeling now? (sad)

Sad GirlSad is an emotion (feeling). People sometimes have a frown on their face or they may cry when they feel sad. Let’s take a look at our poster and see if we can find a child who is feeling sad.

[Discuss facial features that children associate with being sad.]


Who can make a sad face?


There are many reasons why people can feel sad. I feel sad when _____.


Can you think of something that might make you sad?


The Way I Feel Book CoverLet’s look at three pages in the book we read last week. The pages show happy, silly, and sad feelings.

[Display The Way I Feel book.

For each of the happy, silly, and sad pages, ask the following question:]

What about the child’s face tells us the child in this picture may be feeling ______ (happy, silly, sad)?


Happy, silly, and sad faces can look very different.


Happy, Silly and Sad Feeling Faces[Display a sad Feeling Face you made prior to the activity.]

  • This is a Feeling Face. Can you guess the emotion a person with this face might be feeling?

[Display a happy Feeling Face and a silly Feeling Face, one at a time, and invite children to guess the feeling.

Display the three Feeling Faces at the same time.]

  • What does the mouth look like on each face?

We are going to make Feeling Faces to help us think about different emotions.

Each of us can make a happy face, a silly face, and a sad face. We will use paper circles to make each face.

[As children draw the features on their papers, write the name of the emotion at the bottom of the Feeling Face. Write the child’s name on the back of each face.]


I am going to say some things that might happen to us. Please hold up the Feeling Face that shows how you might feel if this happened to you.

  • We get to play with our favorite toy.
  • We fell off the swing.
  • We are pretending we are a clown!

[Please keep children’s Feeling Faces for use in other activities.]

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • If children experience difficulty describing the mouths of the Feeling Faces, help with vocabulary as necessary. Point to the mouth as children or you describe it.


  • Extend the Recap activity by encouraging children to identify additional situations or events that would make them feel happy, silly, or sad. Invite children to hold up the face that matches the situation or event they describe.

Center Activity

Supply a variety of puppets or toy people figures. Encourage children to play together with the props, using them to tell each other how it feels to be happy, silly, and sad.

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Encourage school-age children in your setting to draw pictures of someone feeling sad, happy, and silly. Fasten pictures together to make a book and place the book in your library center.

Week 11:
Day 2

Creating Dance

Creative Expression

Large Group

Skill and Goal

Skills that support creative expression
Children will broaden their understanding of basic movements in dance.


  • CD player
  • My First Classical Music Album CD



  • Stretch
  • Bow


  • Bend


  • Physical / Health

Be Prepared: Listen to the music selected for the activity prior to using it with children so you are familiar with it and know where specific movements would work with the music.


Yesterday we practiced forward movements, backward movements, and stopping a movement.


[Lead children in the movements described below, taking 2–3 steps for each.]

Let’s show what we remember. Let’s all do a forward movement. Stop. And then do a backward movement.


My First Classical Music Album CoverToday we are going to learn some other movements that can be a part of dance.

I need to move in a certain way if I want to pick up something from the floor. Watch as I move.

[Bend down as you pretend to pick up something from the floor.]


How did I move when I pretended to pick up something from the floor? (bent down)


My body needs to bend forward when I pick up something from the floor. Remember, bend means to move our body so it is not straight. When I bend forward, I bend toward what is in front of me. Watch me bend again.

[Demonstrate bending forward.]

Now I will move in another way.

[Stretch as you pretend to reach for something up high.]


How did I move when I pretended to reach for something up high? (stretch)


We need to stretch to get something or reach up high. Stretch means to make something longer. We stretch our body to get longer so we can reach something up high. Watch me stretch again.

[Demonstrate stretching.]


Let’s practice bending and then stretching.

[Lead children in several rounds of bending and stretching.]


[Help children spread out so each has personal space.]

We are going to listen to a song. Please try to do the movements that I say. We will stay in our own space. We will begin by standing up. Please listen carefully as I say the movements.


[Play Track three from My First Classical Music Album CD and say the four movements of forward, backward, bend, and stretch. Provide more practice with bend and stretch than with forward and backward movements. Use logical places in the song to bend and stretch.]

We have one more movement to learn today. Please watch what I do.

[Demonstrate a bow. Then invite children to bow with you.]

That is called a bow! When we bow, we bend our bodies forward. Then we stand up tall. Dancers and artists sometimes bow at the end of dancing or performing.


Today we learned more movements that can be used in dance. We learned to bend, stretch, and bow. Let’s all bow!

Scaffolding tips

Scaffolding Tips

Extra support

  • For children who have difficulty with the movements, pair them with another child who is successful at following the movement requests.
  • Practice each of the four movements before playing a song.


  • Invite children to take turns leading some of the movements during the song.
  • Alternate between a faster and slower pace if children seem ready for more challenge.
Creative Expression

Center Activity

Provide the CD player, My First Classical Music Album CD, and scarves for children to continue practicing forward, backward, bend, stretch, and bow movements. Children may wish to take turns as leaders. Children also may wish to put together some of the movements into a short dance routine. Encourage children to say the movements they are enacting.

Family Child Care

Family Child Care

Invite a family member or someone who dances to talk with children in your setting about how they move their body as they dance.