Week 8

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy



  • How to follow requests by watching, listening, and remembering
    • Orange Circle, Purple Circle game
      (Day 1)


  • Being friendly is a way to be helpful to others
    (Day 2)
  • Practicing how to be friendly in typical situations
    (Day 3)

Social Studies

  • Things grandparents do with their grandchildren in different parts of the world
    (Day 4)
  • How grandparents and grandchildren are the same and different
    (Day 5)


  • How to use our five senses to investigate food items
    (Day 1, Day 2)
  • How to use our senses to identify and describe things outdoors
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • How to balance our bodies with different parts of our body
    (Day 4, Day 5)