Week 41

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy


  • Practicing counting numbers of items
    (Day 1, Day 2)
  • Identifying different numbers of dots
    (Day 2)
  • Identifying small quantities of items without counting
    (Day 3)
  • Making groups of 1–10 items
    (Day 4, Day 5)

Social Studies

  • Characteristics of buses
    (Day 1, Day 5)
  • Characteristics of bicycles, tricycles, and motorcycles
    (Day 2, Day 5)
  • Characteristics of passenger trains and freight trains
    (Day 3, Day 4, Day 5)

Creative Expression

  • Understanding the concept of a story plot and recalling parts of a plot
    (Day 1)
  • Using our bodies (and not our voices) to tell a story
    (Day 2)
  • Creating story plots
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • Characteristics of vegetables included in a soup
    (Day 4)
  • How cows and goats are sources of milk
    (Day 5)