Week 32

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy



  • How to concentrate on our bodies and breathing by pretending we are a starfish and pretending to rock a stuffed animal to sleep on our stomach
    (Day 1)


  • A goal is something we work hard to do
    (Day 2)
  • We can reach a goal by practicing and maybe by asking someone to help us
    (Day 3)

Social Studies

  • How different activities take different amounts of time
    (Day 4)
  • How living things take different amounts of time to grow and change
    (Day 5)


  • A polar region is always very cold
    (Day 1)
  • How people get food, stay warm, and play a game in polar regions
    (Day 1)
  • How polar bears stay warm in the North Pole
    (Day 2)
  • How animals and people stay warm in the South Pole
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • Review how to kick and throw a ball
    (Day 4)
  • Practicing different movements
    • Sleeping, Sleeping, All the Children are Sleeping game
      (Day 5)