Block 19

Options to Promote Learning

Communication / Language

Option 1 (IG) Toddlers participate in a book sharing about an itsy bitsy spider.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers participate in a second book sharing about an itsy bitsy spider, with opportunities to use hand and arm movements to represent the spider’s actions.


Option 1 (OO) A toddler explores putting balls inside an angled tube and catching balls at the lower end of the tube.

Option 2 (OO) A toddler explores rolling balls through tubes placed at different angles.


Option 1 (IG) Toddlers watch a caregiver help a pretend butterfly fly and stop flying.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers practice helping a pretend butterfly fly and stop flying.


Option 1 (IG) Toddlers look at and have opportunities to imitate facial expressions associated with different feelings.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers look at and talk about pictures of facial expressions associated with different feelings, with a follow-up opportunity to individually imitate a facial expression of the toddler’s choice.

Physical / Health

Option 1 (IG) Toddlers practice how to shake and stop shaking a bell.

Option 2 (IG) Toddlers practice how to stop shaking a bell in response to words in a song.

Option 3 (IG) Toddlers practice contrasting ways to shake a bell.