Option 1 (OO) A toddler participates in a shared book reading focused on the sounds of familiar items.
Option 2 (OO) A toddler participates in a shared book reading focused on the sounds of familiar items and in a follow-up exploration of familiar sound-making objects.
Option 3 (OO) A toddler identifies the sound of a familiar item by listening to its sound.
Option 1 (OO) A toddler participates in a shared peekaboo book reading focused on anticipating what a young child sees.
Option 2 (IG) Toddlers look at and discuss clues for figuring out what animal or object is on the next page of a peekaboo book.
Option 3 (OO) A toddler participates in a shared book reading focused on what a young boy in the book sees and in a follow-up peekaboo game with the caregiver.
Option 1 (IG) Toddlers watch a toy rabbit hop and then hide under one of two baskets, and help a caregiver remember where the rabbit is hiding.
Option 2 (OO) A toddler practices, with caregiver support, watching and remembering where a hopping toy rabbit is hiding.
Option 3 (OO) A toddler independently practices watching and remembering where a hopping toy rabbit is hiding.
Option 1 (OO) A toddler participates in open-ended play dough play with a caregiver.
Option 2 (OO) A toddler participates with a caregiver in play dough play that includes play dough tools and encourages following each other’s actions.
Option 3 (IG) Toddlers notice and potentially follow other toddlers’ actions as part of guided play with play dough.
Option 1 (IG) Toddlers use a paintbrush to make marks with water on an outdoor surface.
Option 2 (IG) Toddlers use markers to explore making different kinds of marks (of their choice) on their own piece of paper.
Option 3 (IG) Toddlers use markers to make marks of their choice on a shared piece of paper.