Week 22

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy



  • How to follow requests by watching and taking turns
    • Mirror, Mirror game
      (Day 1)
  • How to follow requests by listening and remembering
    • Musical Simon Says game
      (Day 2)


  • When we feel lonely, we are sad because we feel like we are all alone
    (Day 3)
  • Things we can do to help us feel better when we feel lonely
    (Day 3)

Social Studies

  • How people help others in our center and in our community
    (Day 4, Day 5)
  • Drawing ourself doing a job as a community helper
    (Day 5)


  • Drawing what may hatch from a butterfly egg
    (Day 1)
  • Stages of a butterfly’s life cycle
    (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • Practicing different movement combinations
  • Moving Along the Line game
    (Day 4, Day 5)