Week 11

What Children Will Learn this Week

Language / Literacy


  • The last number we count tells us how many we have
    (Day 1, Day 2, Day 5)
  • How to sort items into groups and identify groups that are equal
    (Day 3)
  • How to make a group of a given number of items
    (Day 4, Day 5)


  • How to concentrate on our breathing while stretching our bodies
    • Practicing two yoga poses
      (Day 1)


  • When we feel sad we may have a frown on our face or cry
    (Day 2)
  • Making and identifying happy, silly, and sad faces
    (Day 2)
  • Ways to feel better when we are sad
    (Day 3)

Social Studies

Creative Expression

  • How to move forward and backward
    (Day 1)
  • How to bend, stretch, and bow
    (Day 2, Day 3)
  • How to jump, glide, spin, and hop
    (Day 3)

Physical / Health

  • Our teeth help us eat and make sounds when we talk
    (Day 4)
  • How to brush our teeth
    (Day 5)