Option 1 (OO) A young infant participates in a book sharing that emphasizes listening to a caregiver’s voice and looking at pictures of infant facial expressions.
Option 2 (OO) An infant participates in a book sharing with opportunities to help turn the book’s pages and communicate about pictures of infant facial expressions.
Option 3 (OO) An older infant participates in a book sharing with opportunities to hold and turn pages of a book and communicate about pictures of different infant facial expressions.
Option 1 (OO) A young infant goes on a tour of the room in a caregiver’s arms to greet and hear the names of some other infants.
Option 2 (IG) Older infants participate in a brief hello song and hand wave that recognizes each infant in the gathering.
Option 3 (IG) Older infants in a small gathering practice identifying an infant named by the caregiver.