Option 1 (OO) A young infant participates in a book sharing that emphasizes the sounds of familiar items shown in pictures.
Option 2 (OO) An infant participates in a book sharing with opportunities to help turn the book’s pages and communicate about the sounds of items shown in the pictures.
Option 3 (OO) An older infant participates in a book sharing with opportunities to hold and turn the pages of a book, and communicate about the sounds of items shown in the pictures.
Option 1 (OO) An infant practices watching a rattle as it is moved by a caregiver.
Option 2 (OO) An infant practices focusing on and remembering the location of a rattle as it is moved by a caregiver.
Option 3 (OO) An infant practices focusing on and remembering the location of a rattle hidden by a caregiver.
Option 1 (OO) A young infant participates in responsive interactions with a caregiver, focused on pictures of baby faces.
Option 2 (OO) An infant participates in responsive interactions with a caregiver, focused on imitations of facial expressions.
Option 3 (IG) Older infants participate in responsive interactions with a caregiver during a song that emphasizes facial expressions.
Option 1 (OO) An infant experiences a body position and caregiver encouragement that support rolling over.
Option 2 (OO) An infant experiences a body position and caregiver encouragement that support crawling.
Option 3 (OO) An infant participates in open-ended play with a caregiver that supports moving into a sitting position.